Thursday, January 31, 2008

Florida wins best site

Penile State Media is all gaa over the dubious distinction of having the state receive the "Best" ranking by a web site that reviews various sites.

Florida achieved "best" for its sex offender site.

As we congratulate the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement on its triumph, we regret that the occasion to need this sort of law surveillance is so great.

There are some glaring flaws on the site, in any case. It offers no overview, telling how many thousands of offenders fill its database. There's no demographic breakdown, no effort to offer a portrait of the offender population.

Another one: When you do reach a page that lists the offenders within a certain radius of a street address, there's no way to mail the page, or even the page address, to someone else. Clearly the end user, the person concerned about safety in their environment, was not given the consideration a user friendly site normally would.

So, Penilers, congrats on bringing home the Gold.

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